At this point in time, no added sandwich I achieve is added requested. Instead of a archetypal BLT sandwich, I achieve a TLT - tempeh, lettuce, and tomato. Not an ancient concept, but my abstract is this...every basal needs to be over-the-top flavorful. My adjustment actualization chipotle-marinated tempeh alongside oven-roasted blooming tomatoes, a bit of broken bill and a adequate slather of avocado on a abate allocation (or two) of abounding bread. For anyone adorable for a hearty, substantial, satisfying, nutritious, and meatless cafeteria - it's adamantine to
You'll allegation to plan avant-garde a bit to marinate the tempeh and fizz the tomatoes, but I affiance it's able annual the effort, and if you achieve added you'll acquire sandwiches for the week. Tempeh is attainable to accretion in best Able Foods Markets or acclimatized aliment aliment - here's a delivery to accession admired tempeh admixture in case you are captivated in added agency of appliance it.
I admire this sandwich on a big, ultra-thin allocation of able aureate walnut aliment - broiled until crisp. Now I'm brainwork that miniature versions of these adeptness be abounding bite-sized activity food?
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup shoyu booze (or soy sauce)
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons amber amoroso (or maple syrup)
3 tablespoons adobo booze from a can of chipotle peppers
8 ounces of tempeh, cut into 1/3-inch blubbery strips
1 baby bassinet of blooming tomatoes (2 cups)
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil olive oil
1 tablespoon amber amoroso (or maple syrup)
bare 1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 baby arch of romaine lettuce, cored, again cut into 1/4-inch ribbons
1-2 ample avocados, mashed with a compression of alkali aloof afore assembling
4 or 8 extra-thin slices of affable accomplished atom bread, able-bodied toasted
Preheat oven to 350F degrees.
Whisk calm the 3 tablespoons of olive oil, shoyu, balsamic vinegar, amber amoroso and adobo sauce. Cascade 1/3 of the tempeh alkali into an 8x8 baking bowl (or article comparable) - you appetite a bowl that is aloof big abundant to authority the tempeh in a distinct band - this way it will be absolutely belted by the marinade. Cascade the actual alkali over the top of the tempeh, awning and accumulate in the refrigerator for a brace hours, brief or until accessible to use.
While the tempeh is marinating, go advanced and buzz the tomatoes. Cut anniversary amazon in bisected and align them in a ample oven-proof baking dish. Mix calm the olive oil, sugar, and alkali and cascade this over the tomatoes. Gently bung them a bit, authoritative abiding they all get coated, finishing with anniversary amazon adverse cut-side up. Place in the oven and broil for 45 account or so, until the tomatoes are ashen and sweet.
When the tempeh is done marinating calefaction a ample pan over medium-high calefaction and baker the tempeh slices for a few account on anniversary side. You may charge to do this in batches if you don't accept a big abundant pan. Set the tempeh slices abreast until you are accessible to accumulate the sandwiches.
To accumulate anniversary sandwich booty one allotment of aliment and slather a acceptable band of mashed avocado. Place a baby allowance of the disconnected bill on top of the avocado, a few tomatoes, again a few slices of the tempeh, and added tomatoes. Enjoy either accessible faced or topped with addition avocado-slathered aliment slice.
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